A collection of thoughts and opinions based on personal experience

As adults, it is our responsibility to provide a nurturing environment for our children to grow and develop, rather than imposing our own expectations upon them. Ultimately, it is their lives and their future, and we must trust in their abilities to pave their own paths towards success and fulfillment.

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I think this post is more for me than it is for you but I'll let you read it anyway, hee hee! I spend every waking moment in gratitude. Gratitude for people, places and events - especially the one's that leave me feeling challenged. Highly recommended and totally free!

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In closing, I feel it relevant to mention that forgiveness is more than just making peace with an event, a person, a group of people and so on. True, deep and meaningful forgiveness means that you make peace with yourself for the discontent that could cost you your sanity in each moment of your precious, human life.

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She stressed the importance of reciting these affirmations, daily, looking into the reflection of our eyes. She even went so far as to say that we need 50 affirmations each. 50!!! To top it off, I needed to say them daily. There was no way I was able to come up with 50 affirmations about myself and I sure as shit was not going to look at myself in the mirror every single day saying these things about myself.

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When we begin to see that experiencing what happened TO us as something that happened FOR us, that's when you activate the game changer.

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This article aims to guide readers on how to shift their perspectives from viewing hardships as obstacles to viewing them as blessings. It emphasizes the power of gratitude and its transformative effect on life.

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So, just rehearting you that their behaviour is not who they are, you are not delusional, you most likely have fallen in love with who they are at the core. After all, we see in others a reflection of ourselves. You would not support a friend in losing themselves as a result of behaviour that is not in alignment with their highest, love yourself the same way.

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This life that we bitch and moan about, is a miraculous gift and we should be embracing every f*cking breath and creating unforgettable memories because let's not forget that we come to earth naked and we leave the same.

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To keep it simple, a sovereign being can be innerstood as a living being who is fully responsible and accountable for their own actions and not ruled or controlled by governments or agendas.

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Every time you find yourself in a judgement space, reheart (not remind) yourself that you have not necessarily been in that person's shoes and even if you have, you may not have had it the same. Be kind, always.

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1. Everything changes and ends 2. Things do not always go according to plan 3. Life is not always fair 4. Pain is part of life 5. People are not loving and loyal all the time

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We have depleted ourselves doing so much for people or things that give us very little in exchange. In fact, they take more than the value they add. It is therefore imperative that you allow yourself to connect with people who get you, who feel your words and even more so, feel what you don't say.

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